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A Divine Encounter: Revival at Moody Park

Writer's picture: westminstersdacommwestminstersdacomm


Blessings to all in the name of our Lord Jesus! We are grateful for your presence as we recount the incredible experience we had during a prayer walk at Moody Park last week. The event not only involved distributing water and tracks, but it also led to a remarkable encounter that filled our hearts with joy and renewed our faith. We hope that by sharing this story, it will inspire you to join us in our future endeavors.


On July 1'st Sabbath, some of us gathered for a fasting day, while others were unaware of the occasion. After enjoying a picnic together, we ventured into the park, distributing water and tracks to invite people to our programs and church. Little did we know that a divine intervention awaited us. Brother Eugene and Antonio approached a man named Alex, whom they had met earlier. Struggling with addictions and in need of refuge, Alex had arrived at the park carrying a bottle of alcohol. However, feeling the presence of God, he decided to leave it under a nearby tree before joining us.

The Holy Spirit's Work:

As we prayed for Alex, something incredible happened. He broke down in tears, sensing the Holy Spirit working in his soul, urging him to lay down his burdens before Christ. Initially skeptical, I couldn't help but doubt if his intentions were sincere. However, his genuine emotions and heartfelt testimony revealed the true transformation occurring within him. He acknowledged that someone else might not comprehend the significance of that moment, but he did. It was in that instance that I realized the Holy Spirit was at work, strengthening our faith and providing Alex with the support and connection he needed.

Revival and Joy:

The overwhelming joy we experienced cannot be described adequately. It felt as if the heavens were celebrating alongside us, reminiscent of Moses and Jesus shining with glory after encountering God. As Alex embraced Christ, our own spirits were revived, reinforcing the fact that the Word of the Lord is a double-edged sword, piercing hearts and bringing about transformation.

An Appeal to Action:

Dear brothers and sisters, we share this story to encourage your participation in such transformative initiatives. Many individuals have strayed from their relationship with God, and, as witnessed in Alex's case, they may already be seeking Him. The Holy Spirit does the most important work, but we are here to provide the human connection they need. A little help can go a long way.

In Matthew 25:24-28, Jesus shares a parable about using our talents wisely. It is essential to recognize the resources and skills we possess and employ them to save souls. We invite each church member and believer to be part of this great work entrusted to us.

How Can You Contribute?

1. Prayer Ministry: Join us for prayer walks, where we intercede for our community.

2. Media Ministry: Help us spread the message through social media.

- Social media manager

- Video editors

- Graphic designers

- Videographers

- Audio engineers

- Writers and bloggers

3. Share Your Content: If you have testimonies, sermons, teachings, or skills to offer, we invite you to contribute.

4. Pathfinder Ministries: Our Pathfinder group needs dedicated teachers.


Brothers and sisters, let us not bury our talents in the ground. Partner with us, and deposit your gifts with God. What will we present to Him if we arrive empty-handed? A little effort can make a significant impact when done for the sake of Christ. Remember, the Holy Spirit is already at work in the hearts of those we seek to reach. By participating in this mission, we not only help others find Christ but also experience personal revival. May you be blessed, and may the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, be glorified. Amen.

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